Gmail with Fluid and this Script

If you are on Leopard and don't use Fluid, then get a clue. And, start using the awesomeness.

I love me some Gmail. I keep trying Apple Mail. But, I always end up back at Gmail.

So, try this to make your Gmail on Fluid even better.

My Fluid Gmail app looks like this:

Picture 1

I like the dark background, font, and NO ads!

To do this, follow these easy steps.

1. Create Gmail Fluid app.

2. Launch the Gmail Fluid app, not the Fluid app creator app.

3. Go to "Browse" in the menu bar.

Picture 2

4. Search for "gmail dark blue"

Picture 3

5. Click on "Gmail 2 - Dark Blue Google Inspired"

Picture 4

6. Install the script by clicking black "Install this script" button at the top of the left column.

Picture 5

7. Relaunch the Gmail Fluid app! Awesome!

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