My almost perfect vim files

Vim is in. TextMate is out.

Here are my dot files and vim settings.

Feel free to use these for the good of all people.

Some highlights:

  • ir_black is the best color scheme. I finally got it working with popups when running Vim in Terminal (i.e. not MacVim). Before anything that triggered a popup, such as word completion, or FuzzyFinder TextMate, was useless because the popup's color was the same as the backgrounds. You could not see what you were choosing.
  • Use 'jj', instead of 'esc'.
  • ',F' for Ack in Project
  • After a search, use the spacebar to toggle on/off highlighting the search results.
  • ',v' for a equally sized vertical split window
  • ',w' to move to the next window

Posted via web from Structurally Sound Treehouse

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